象革 Elephant

Elephant leather is symbolized as royalty and nobility in ancient Europe.
Since it is said that it can bring happiness to the owner,
it is treasured and highly valued.
Please enjoy the difference of every winkle of it.

エイ革 Stingray

It is the leather of Devil fish, which is also called as “The Swimming Gemstone”.
Contrary to its beautiful appearance, it is a kind of hard leather.
Therefore, special treatment technique is needed.
This precious pen is produced by a shoemaker of the fifth generation in Kyoto.

手染め革 Leather

It is made of high-quality Japanese leather from Bashu-Himeji Area,
an area with history over 1000 years.
Since the pens are all dyed by hand one by one,
please enjoy the shade and unevenness of the leather
colour created by craftsmanship and aging.

銅 Copper

Playing with the unique colour changes of brass pen and copper pen through aging,
the pen is processed to be long-lasting.

木 Wood

It is a handmade pen made of top-grade wood.
Users will be attracted to it after being used for long time.

むらさきの花 Purple flowers

Using the air-brush, pen maker dresses
the pilled pen holders to create unique and individual pens.

生産国 日本/京都
仕様 ノック式
サイズ 約140mm 同軸径約11mm
金具素材 メッキ
替芯 ZEBRA油性ボールペン替芯F-07に対応

三上 良弘

Yoshihiro Mikami

大阪梅田にある1921年創業の『コバヤシ靴店』四代目 福島陽三に弟子入りし13年間手作り靴を学びました。 コバヤシ靴店から暖簾分けを許され2011年に京都市北区にオーダーメイド専門の『コバヤシ靴店三上工房』を開業。 100年近く日本で磨かれた独自の靴の技術を活かし一人でも多くのお客様に喜んでいただけるように日々精進してまいります。
